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03 September 2023

Selective Institutions That Don't Consider Legacy Status

Posted in Your College List

UPDATE #2 (9/3)

Legacy AdmissionsWith all of the media attention surrounding legacy admissions, we thought it would be helpful to compile a list of selective public and private institutions that don't consider legacy status as part of the admissions process.

To come up with the list, we pulled data from the 2022-23 Common Data Set (or Fall 2022 NCES database) for each institution in our coverage universe with acceptance rates of 50 percent or less. We then cross-checked with recent announcements to identify recent changes to policies, such as with Wesleyan University and Occidental College.

Of the 138 schools currently in our coverage universe with acceptance rates of 50 percent or less, 33 percent do not consider legacy status—42 percent for publics and 25 percent for privates.

Bookmark this page, as we expect to update it periodically with institutions opting to drop legacy consideration for this cycle.

Click on Continue Reading for the list


Selective Institutions That Don't Consider Legacy Status

College Kickstart LLC

Institution/Program State Admit % Source
Amherst College MA 7 Announced 10/20/21
Auburn University AL 44 CDS
Baylor University TX 46 CDS
Berea College KY 25 CDS
Bryn Mawr College PA 31 Reiterated 7/25/23
California Institute of Technology CA 3 CDS
California State Polytechnic University - San Luis Obispo CA 30 CDS
California State University - Long Beach CA 40 CDS
Carleton College MN 17 Announced 8/31/23
Carnegie Mellon University PA 11 CDS
City University of New York - Hunter College NY 48 CDS
Clark University NY 50 CDS
Cooper Union NY 22 CDS
Emerson College MA 43 CDS
Florida State University FL 25 CDS
Georgia Institute of Technology GA 17 CDS
Johns Hopkins University MD 7 Announced Spring 2020
Northeastern University MA 7 CDS
Occidental College CA 39 Announced 7/26/2023
Pomona College CA 7 CDS
Rhode Island School of Design RI 17 CDS
San Diego State University CA 39 CDS
State University of New York - Binghamton NY 42 CDS
United States Military Academy NY 12 CDS
University of California - Berkeley CA 11 CDS
University of California - Davis CA 38 CDS
University of California - Irvine CA 21 CDS
University of California - Los Angeles CA 9 CDS
University of California - San Diego CA 24 CDS
University of California - Santa Barbara CA 26 CDS
University of California - Santa Cruz CA 47 CDS
University of Florida FL 23 CDS
University of Georgia GA 43 CDS
University of Illinois - Urbana Champaign IL 45 CDS
University of Maryland - College Park MD 44 CDS
University of Miami FL 19 CDS
University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill NC 17 CDS
University of Pittsburgh PA 49 CDS
University of South Florida FL 44 CDS
University of Texas - Austin TX 31 CDS
University of Washington WA 48 CDS
University of Wisconsin - Madison WI 49 CDS
Webb Institute NY 21 CDS
Wesleyan University CT 14 Announced 7/23/2023

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