30 November 2021
Sneak Peek for High School College Counselors (2022)
College Kickstart for High School Counselors introduces several capabilities for 2022 to help you better navigate a changing admissions landscape and capitalize on data-driven college planning in new and exciting ways.
What's New for High School College Counselors in 2022
Our coverage universe now exceeds 675 4 year U.S. based institutions as we continue to add regional schools of interest and expand our coverage of HBCUs. Departmental data will also be available for the University of Colorado - Boulder. New tags have been added to identify schools with great co-op and artificial intelligence/machine learning programs. The 2022 edition of College Kickstart adds new filters to identify likely, target and reach schools offering early decision 1 and/or early decision 2. Based on your feedback, we're tweaking our selectivity terminology this coming year to help you more effectively position schools with students: A new academic rigor credential will be available for 2022. Designed for schools that only report unweighted GPA, this credential allows counselors to consider the relative rigor of curriculums when categorizing schools and evaluating college lists for students with similar GPAs. The rigor credential can take one of two forms: Note: this feature requires the local context option and advanced course counts or rigor index assignments for past students. In the coming year you'll also have the option to hide admit rates. While academic performance and selectivity are always used to categorize schools and assess lists, this feature hides the display of actual admission rates in the application to help keep conversations strategic with students and parents. Several new self-service administration features will be introduced in 2022, including the ability to add students (up to the licensed limit), deactivate students and reassign students to different counselors. You'll also be able to bulk upload student academic credentials. This can be done throughout the year, whether it be to preload credentials prior to the first meeting, update GPAs after spring semester junior year, or to load the final GPAs at the end of the year. Updates can be made manually or via CSV import and can include any combination of test scores, GPAs and rank/rigor. You'll also gain the ability to "freeze" one or more academic credentials in the student profile. When a credential is frozen, students are able to see but not modify the credential. It's a useful way to prevent students from using "aspirational" test scores and GPAs too late in the cycle. When activated and used in conjunction with bulk credential uploads, you'll have the ability to upload official GPAs in the fall of senior year, for example, and prevent students from altering the GPA from that point forward. Three new test-optional reports will be added to help you better gauge the impact of applying to colleges with and without test scores: Note: these reports require the use of a custom flag in Naviance et al to identify situations where no test scores were submitted as part of the an application. To help navigate changing waitlist dynamics, the outcomes summary has been enhanced to include waitlist statistics by aggregated by school selectivity. Scattergram enhancements for 2022 include the ability to filter data on individual flags and the ability to convert a profile in the scattergram into a custom local context profile with the click of a button. It's an invaluable way to ensure your local context configuration adapts to a changing admissions landscape based on recency of data, application type and flags.
Expanded School Coverage
New Tags
New MixFixer™ Filters
Refined Terminology
Academic Rigor Support
Hidden Admit Rates
Bulk Conversion to Student Mode
Bulk Credential Uploads
Frozen Credentials
Test vs. No Test Reporting
Waitlist Insights
Enhanced Scattergrams
We'll fill you in on the details in January. In the meantime, feel free to learn more about College Kickstart for Counselors, schedule a demo or check out what our customers have to say by clicking on one of the buttons below.
- Tags: Class of 2026, College Kickstart
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