20 February 2018
Top Ranked Colleges for International Relations Majors (2018)
In search of colleges and universities with strong undergraduate international relations programs?
Courtesy of Foreign Policy magazine and the College of William & Mary, we've compiled their list of top 50 programs in the United States, along with admit rate and test score data to help you locate likely, target and reach schools to add to your list. As always, we've also included a link to each school's website to help you explore further.
Click on Continue Reading for the list, or here for the Foreign Policy article.
Top Ranked Undergraduate International Relations Programs
Foreign Policy Magazine, 2018
College Kickstart LLC
- Tags: American, Amherst, Boston University, Brown, BYU, Claremont McKenna, Class of 2022, College Lists, Colorado, Cornell, Dartmouth, Duke, Emory, George Washington, Georgetown, Harvard, Johns Hopkins, Macalester, Michigan, Michigan State, Middlebury, MIT, Notre Dame, NYU, Oberlin, Ohio State, Penn State, Pomona, Princeton, Stanford, Swarthmore, Syracuse, Tufts, UC Berkeley, UC San Diego, UCLA, UNC Chapel Hill, University of Chicago, University of Denver, University of Florida, University of Minnesota, University of Virginia, University of Washington, USC, UT Austin, Vassar, Wellesley, William & Mary, Williams, Wisconsin, Yale
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