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27 March 2018

Class of 2022 Regular Decision Notification Dates

Posted in Class of 2022

UPDATE #37 (3/27)

student-questionsHere's our latest list of regular decision notification dates for the Class of 2022.  As many of you know, schools often post results in advance of their "official" notification dates, so we've compiled the most recently updated dates for you here, along with the notification dates from last year.  Bookmark this site, as we'll post updates often.

Good luck, seniors!


Class of 2022 Regular Notification Dates

College Kickstart LLC

InstitutionOfficial Notification Date (2018)Updated Notification Date (2018)Actual Notification Date (2017)
American University 4/1 mailed week of 3/19 mailed 3/23
Amherst College 4/1 3/23 late in day ET 3/24 late in day
Babson College mid-March 3/16 4pm ET 3/17 4pm ET
Barnard College late March 3/23 3/23
Bates College by 4/1 3/17 8:30am ET 3/18
Boston College by 4/1 3/22 evening ET 3/16
Boston University late March - early April 3/17 3/18
Bowdoin College early April 3/16 7pm ET 3/17 evening ET
Brandeis University 4/1 3/22 evening ET 3/23
Brigham Young University - Provo 3/2 3/3 3/3
Brown University end of March 3/28 7pm ET 3/30
Bryn Mawr College 4/1 3/23 3/24
Bucknell University 4/1 3/27 3/29
Butler University 3/1 3/1 4/1
California State Polytechnic University - San Luis Obispo 4/1 4/1 4/1
California Institute of Technology mid-March 3/10 12pm PT 3/11 12pm PT
Carleton College 4/1 3/22 8pm CT 3/22 8pm CT
Carnegie Mellon University by 4/15 3/31 9am ET 3/26
Case Western Reserve University 3/20 3/20 3/17 8pm ET
Chapman University mid-March 3/9 3/9
Claremont McKenna College by 4/1 3/23 5pm PT 3/24 5pm PT
Clemson University 2/15 2/20 mailed 2/11
Colby College by 4/1 3/16 3/17 3pm ET
Colgate University 4/1 3/17 morning ET mailed 3/20
College of the Holy Cross late March - early April 3/17 3/18
College of William and Mary by 4/1 3/23 evening ET 3/23
Colorado College late March 3/14 4pm MT 3/10 4pm MT
Columbia University late March 3/28 after 7pm ET 3/30 after 5pm ET
Connecticut College late March 3/24 3/25 10am ET
Cornell University early April 3/28 7pm ET 3/30 5pm ET
Dartmouth College late March 3/28 3/30
Davidson College 4/1 3/21 after 9pm ET 3/22 9pm ET
Denison University mid-March 3/16 3/17
Dickinson College late March 3/15 3/16
Drexel University by 4/1 3/23 3/24
Duke University 4/1 3/29 7pm ET 3/29 7pm ET
Emory University (Emory) by 4/1 3/22 6pm ET 3/23 6pm ET
Emory University (Oxford) by 4/1 3/22 6pm ET 3/23 6pm ET
Franklin W. Olin College of Engineering late March 3/26 3pm ET 3/24
Franklin and Marshall by 4/1 3/16 3/17
George Washington University by early April 3/26 5pm ET before end of March
Georgetown University by 4/1 mailed 3/23 mailed 3/24
Georgia Institute of Technology 3/10 3/10 12pm ET 3/11 12pm ET
Gettysburg College late March mailed 3/16 mailed 3/17
Grinnell College late March 3/16 3/17
Hamilton College 4/1 3/23 8pm ET 3/24 8pm ET
Hampshire College 4/1   3/21
Harvard University late March 3/28 3/30
Harvey Mudd College mailed 4/1 3/16 6pm PT 3/17 6:15pm PT
Haverford College early April mailed 3/22 mailed 3/22
James Madison University early April 3/14 3/15
Johns Hopkins University by 4/1 3/16 3pm ET 3/17 3pm ET
Kenyon College mid-March 3/19 3/17 6pm ET
Lafayette College by 4/1 mailed 3/26 mailed 3/24
Lehigh University late March 3/23 3/24
Macalester College 3/30 3/11 3/12
Middlebury College late March/early April 3/24 after 8am ET 3/18 after 8am ET
MIT 3/14 3/14 6:28pm ET 3/14 6:28pm ET
Mount Holyoke College 4/1 3/22 4pm ET 3/16
New York University 4/1 3/28 3/30
North Carolina State 3/30 3/23 3/30
Northeastern University by 4/1 3/14 3/15
Northwestern University late March 3/21 3/17
Oberlin College 4/1 3/23 4pm ET 3/24
Occidental College 3/25 3/21 5pm PT 3/22 5pm PT
Pepperdine University 4/1 3/16 3/17
Pitzer College 4/1 3/19 afternoon PT 3/20
Pomona College by 4/1 3/16 after 5pm PT 3/17 5pm PT
Princeton University 4/1 3/28 7pm ET 3/30
Providence College mailed 4/1 mailed 3/16 3/17
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 3/10 3/10 7pm ET 3/11 7pm ET
Rice University by 4/1 by 3/23 4:30pm CT 3/24
Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology mailed on/before 3/15 3/8 3/9
Rutgers University - New Brunswick 2/28 2/28 2/28
St. Lawrence University late March mailed starting 3/14 3/17
Saint Michael's College mid-March mailed 3/6 mailed 3/3
Santa Clara University by 4/1 3/13 3/14
Sarah Lawrence College late March - early April 3/17 mailed 3/24
Scripps College by 4/1 3/19 3/22
Sewanee: The University of the South late March 3/7 3/10 evening
Smith College late March 3/23 around 4pm ET 3/24
Southern Methodist University 3/31 3/9 7pm CT 3/10 7pm CT
Stanford University 4/1 3/30 4pm PT 3/31 4pm PT
Swarthmore College by 4/1 3/16 7pm ET 3/17 7pm ET
Trinity College late March 3/16 7pm ET 3/23 around 7:30pm ET
Tufts University by 4/1 3/29 3/30
Union College 4/1 3/24 7am ET 3/25
University of California - Berkeley end of March 3/29 before 11:59pm PT 3/30
University of California - Davis mid-March 3/9 3/10
University of California - Irvine by 3/31   beginning 3/16 through next week
University of California - Los Angeles most by mid-March 3/16 after 5pm PT 3/17 evening PT
University of California - Merced beginning 3/1   beginning 3/2
University of California - Riverside beginning 3/1   beginning 3/6
University of California - San Diego by 3/31 3/16 3/10
University of California - Santa Barbara by 3/30 3/20 by 3/21 3pm PT
University of California - Santa Cruz 3/15-3/31 3/15 3/15
University of Chicago late March 3/16 late afternoon CT 3/17 late afternoon CT
University of Georgia mid-March 3/16 afternoon ET 3/17
University of Illinois - Urbana Champaign 2/2 2/2 2/3
University of Maryland - College Park by 4/1 3/23  
University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill end of March 3/23 3/29
University of Notre Dame late March 3/21 3/20
University of Oregon 4/1 mailed 3/14 4/30
University of Pennsylvania by 4/1 3/28 7pm ET 3/30 5pm ET
University of Richmond 4/1 mailed 3/16 mailed 3/17
University of Rochester 4/1   beginning 3/9
University of San Francisco begins mid-March mailed 3/8 3/14
University of Southern California by 4/1 mailed 3/22, online 3/25 mailed 3/23, online 3/26
University of Texas - Austin 3/1   by 3/1
University of Virginia end of March 3/22 around 6pm ET 3/22 evening ET
University of Washington 3/31   3/15-3/31
Vanderbilt University 4/1 3/27 5:30pm CT 3/28 5:30pm CT
Vassar College late March 3/27 close of business ET 3/28
Villanova University late March 3/22 afternoon ET 3/23 5:30pm ET
Virginia Polytechnic Institute 3/5 3/5 3/17
Wake Forest University by 4/1 mailed 3/23 mailed 3/23
Washington and Lee College by 4/1 3/23 8pm ET 3/24 8pm ET
Washington University at St. Louis mailed 4/1 3/15 3/15
Wellesley College late March 3/21 evening ET 3/22 evening ET
Wesleyan University late March 3/24 mailed 3/24, online 3/25 afternoon ET
Whitman College late March   mailed 3/23
Williams College by 4/1 3/15 evening ET 3/22 evening ET
Worcester Polytechnic Institute 4/1   3/24
Yale University 4/1 3/28 7pm ET 3/30
No video selected.

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