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22 May 2024

Class of 2028 Waitlist Notification Dates and Stats

Posted in Class of 2028, Waitlist

UPDATE #3 (6/27)

Waitlist Trends (Class of 2026 vs Class of 2027)For those of you who have been waitlisted at one of your top choices, here's our initial update of Class of 2028 waitlist notification dates and status where available.  

To get a sense for what's happening at the macro level, we took a look at recently released Class of 2027 waitlist statistics from 84 private and public institutions.  Our analysis paints the following picture:

  • The number of students admitted from the waitlist increased 134 percent year over year from 19,000 for the Class of 2026 to 44,000 for the Class of 2027
  • On average, 23 percent of Class of 2027 students accepting a place on a waitlist were admitted, down from 19 percent in for the Class of 2026
  • Students admitted from the waitlist accounted for 15 percent of Class of 2027 enrollments, up from 8 percent for the Class of 2026
  • 42 percent of the schools sampled admitted 10 percent or less of the students accepting a place on the waitlist for the Class of 2027 (vs. 67 percent for the Class of 2026)

Be sure to bookmark this page as we expect to be updating status over the next several weeks.

Click Continue Reading for the list.


Class of 2028 Waitlist Notification Dates and 2023 Statistics

College Kickstart LLC

Institution Waitlist Offered (2023) Waitlist Accepted (2023) Waitlist Admitted (2023) Admit Rate (2023) Notification Date Link
American         by 5/31 Link
Amherst 924 599 47 8%    
Bates 2,198 855 68 8% most by 6/30, no later than 8/1 Link
Boston College         Expect active waitlist of 4,000 students ADMISSIONS
Boston University 15,033 8,907 34 0%    
Bowdoin         begins after 5/1 Link
Bucknell 2,714 1,233 1 0%    
Cal Poly Pomona 1,807 925 791 86% after 6/1 Link
Cal Poly SLO 13,178 0 193   by 7/15 Link
Caltech         by mid-July Link
Carleton 782 356 35 10%    
Case Western 11,841 7,940 1,141 14%    
Chapman 2,847 1,473 208 14% after 5/1 Link
Claremont McKenna 591 396 44 11%    
Holy Cross 3,700 1,572 42 3%    
William & Mary 3,833 1,918 136 7% by 8/1; update mid-June Link
Colorado College 684 144 20 14%    
Colorado School of Mines         by 5/15 Link
Connecticut College 2,929 1,320 19 1% after 5/1 Link
Cornell 8,282 6,166 362 6% by 7/1 Link
Dartmouth 2,352 1,606 0 0% by 6/30 Link
Davidson 1,616 710 14 2% 5/1 - 6/24 Link
Dickinson 901 236 71 30% begins mid-April; ~600 typically offered waitlist spot Link
Emory         6,081 offered waitlist to Emory College; 3,287 to Oxford College ADMISSIONS
Georgetown         by 5/15 ADMISSIONS
Georgia Tech 5,809 4,016 60 1% after 5/15 Link
Grinnell         by early July Link
Hamilton 2,258 1,249 41 3% begins 5/1 Link
Harvey Mudd 604 406 57 14%    
Haverford 1,342 740 27 4%    
Howard         by 5/15 Link
Indiana 2,657 1,317 1,143 87% by 7/1 Link
James Madison 4,589 1,850 141 8% majority in June, as late as 8/1 Link
Johns Hopkins (RD) 2,478 1,748 71 4% after 5/1 Link
Kenyon         by 6/30 Link
Lehigh 4,456 2,098 144 7%   Link
Macalester 653 354 60 17% by 5/31 Link
Middlebury 2,778 2,734 36 1%    
MIT         update 5/15 at earliest Link
NYU         by 8/1 Link
NC State 8,636 3,260 267 8% by 6/15 Link
Occidental 1,534 841 60 7%    
Ohio State         by 6/1 Link
Penn State 4,903 3,114 84 3%   Link
Pitzer 621 202 10 5%    
Pomona 845 587 62 11% update early-mid May Link
Providence 3,642 1,124 199 18% update mid-May Link
Purdue 14,184 5,252 466 9% after 5/1 Link
Reed 5,508 2,370 100 4% beginning in April Link
RPI 2,574 1,735 74 4% April-June Link
Saint Michaels         typically by mid-June Link
Santa Clara 4,978 2,944 367 12%    
Scripps 704 337 74 22% begins late May Link
Sewanee 243 66 5 8%    
Skidmore 29,033 1,343 15 1%    
SMU 1,703 821 292 36% after 5/1 Link
Stanford 607 506 76 15% by 7/1 Link
SUNY Stony Brook 3,647 1,793 1,577 88%    
Syracuse 14,714 5,933 1,647 28% after 6/1 Link
TCU 3,183 974 273 28% typically final two weeks of April Link
Trinity College         late April to 7/31 Link
Tulane 4,062 2,168 43 2% by 7/1 Link
Union College 441 206 22 11% beginning late April Link
UC Berkeley 7,001 4,820 1,191 25% between May and July Link
UC Davis 19,446 10,898 4,387 40% between May and July Link
UC Irvine         between May and July Link
UCLA         between May and July Link
UC Merced         between May and July Link
UC Riverside 8,074 3,891 1,145 29% between May and July Link
UCSD 29,087 19,373 2,616 14% mid-late summer Link
UCSB 15,689 9,670 5,493 57% early May - July Link
UCSC 18,398 12,285 10,812 88% between May and July Link
UChicago         early summer Link
Georgia 3,842 1,904 739 39% by mid July, split into 2 groups (OOS/Intl and In-State); 3,627 waitlisted Link
UIUC 3,073 1,881 56 3% by 6/30 Link
UMass Amherst 11,588 6,628 1,701 26% beginning after 5/1 Link
University of Miami 21,869 7,758 215 3% by 6/15 Link
Michigan 26,898 18,321 955 5% typically by 6/30 Link
UNC - Chapel Hill         by 6/30 Link
Notre Dame 2,784 1,811 90 5% begins between 5/3-5/15 Link
Oregon 1,111 435 235 54% by 7/31 Link
Pitt 8,248 3,811 768 20% on or before 6/1 Link
URichmond 4,098 2,178 36 2% by 6/30 Link
U Rochester 2,108 1,191 185 16% by 8/1 Link
USD 3,617 2,095 102 5% after 5/1 Link
Tennessee 8,717 3,226 571 18%   Link
Virginia         57 offers on 4/9 and a small number on 5/16; concluded 6/12 Link
Washington 7,915 4,122 2,985 72% after 6/1 Link
Wisconsin 13,364 7,221 4,436 61% by 7/31 Link
Vanderbilt         early May - end of June Link
Vassar 919 501 60 12%    
Virginia Tech 12,348 7,148 0 0% by 7/1 Link
Washington and Lee 1,268 669 0 0% after 5/1 Link
WUSTL         by 6/30 Link
Wellesley 2,389 1,180 19 2% before 8/1 Link
Wesleyan 2,532 1,359 201 15% by 6/30 Link
Williams 1,606 637 3 0% begins in May, typically 600-750 students on WL Link
Yale 1,145 899 0 0% 773 offered WL Link
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